Real Glucosamine and Chondroitin + for Joint pain and Chronic Issues.

Real Glucosamine and Chondroitin + for Joint pain and Chronic Issues.

Real Glucosamine and Chondroitin + for Joint pain and Chronic Issues.

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Glucosamine and Chondroitin really does work for many people’s joint pain negating the need for knee and shoulder surgery. The problem is that many formulations of this don’t actually include the correct amounts to have a beneficial result. This particular brand also contains avocado/soybean unsaponifiables(ASU) as a joint lubricant and pain reliever. The Glucosamine and Chondroitin provide the necessary supplies the body needs to fix and rebuilt cartilage and connective tissue in joints, something most doctors will tell you can’t happen. I’ve personally seen this particular formula cure in just weeks chronic knee pain and shoulder pain that had been going on for years. For most injuries, after the pain has been healed the supplements can be stopped. For ongoing conditions dosages can be reduced over time to find the lowest possible dosage for effective long term treatment.

This particular product was designed for arthritis patients to get off of or use in lieu of other anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or Advil. Reports show people who used to take 16 200mg Ibuprofen pills/day now have better relief from 2 Cosamin ASU pills/day.

Most importantly to note is that most anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen deplete the bodies supply of Chondroitin and therefore prevent the body from being able to heal itself. This typically leads to longer healing times if not long term use of pain relievers and then eventually surgery for more serious injuries. Most of this can be avoided by skipping the pain relievers and using this for a short time instead.

I personally don’t need to take this very often. After working out I have completely stopped taking Advil and my healing time has been cut in half even without this supplement. If I feel like I’ve injured myself during a workout I will add the Cosamin ASU for a couple days and usually heal up 90% faster than when I use a pain reliever. I know many people that have taken this for 2-3 weeks to permanently get rid of chronic joint pain they’d been dealing with for a year or more. One place I do use this regularly is to rebuild my Chondroitin supplies before and after taking Advil which is very rare because now I use Advil only for the occasional bad headache.

NOTE: I’ve heard that you can save a few bucks if you get this at your local Sam’s Club.

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